I'm looking for your help. In an ideal world, I'd be working at a university, sharing my culture and language with individuals who don't show you the contents of their hands every time they sneeze.
Here's the killer though, and I hope you'll support me in this... I want some time next year. I want some time to write. I have a feeling deep down in my toilet area that there's a book or a film in me. I want a chance to prove that. For this reason, I'm looking for fewer hours than the 31 I'm doing now (like dogs, 1 teaching hour = 7 actual hours).
Please think hard about who you know and tell them that you know this incredibly talented, slightly odd, Anglo-Turko, gentleman teacher. Don't get too hung up on the university thing, I'm open to any offers. Perhaps it's not teaching. Perhaps a traveling lecturer, promoting (or warning about) Englishness/Turkishness to Caribbean nations. Translator (from English into shit Turkish? or shitter French? ...or even shitter German?). Maybe a kitten/puppy sitter. Beauty contest judge. Private Dancer (a dancer for money, any old music will do).

Come fly me!